Sunday, June 8, 2008

Twilight is gleaming..

When we get sick, we are aware of death.
When we are alive, awareness is dead.
When we are about to get the meaning,
the moment is gone. That's life.

" What have you done with your own time ? "
Twilight is gleaming..

= to be continued =

* diambil dari booklet agenda acaranya TIM 2007, bulannya lupa tapi, hehe *


Anonymous said...

twilight... haha, gue kira mau ngomongin novel twilight yg vampir itu *oot*

alia pewe said...

@ fragaria : hihiy, bukan sayang, ' twilight ' di tulisan ini bukan yang novel itu, tapi ' twilight ' dlm arti sebenarnya, yaitu waktu sore menjelang malam ^^