Saturday, June 20, 2015

Menyetir di Jakarta

For me, driving is the most exciting thing to do in Jakarta. 

traffic in Jakarta

Simply because it is challenging. You never know what's gonna happen and what will you see. You'll learn a lot, you'll feel entitled, you'll curse, you'll say a prayer for those who give way to you, you'll judge, you'll be tested for your generosity, you'll analyzed people's behavior, you'll know how good you are in singing, your patience will be put to a test as well as your knees, your driving skill will improve (a lot) without even trying, you'll obey the signs (or not), you'll constantly preparing excuses to the police if you ever get caught, you are present in full alert, it's no surprise if people drive recklessly (but you'll curse anyway), your heart will be touched, you're in total control of the life of other people in and outside of your car, but most importantly, your own life and that feels awesome.

So, if you have a lonely life like mine here in Jakarta, driving is the most exciting thing we could ever do. At least for me, it is.

Quote by Alma Karimah


Ditulis dengan sangat baik dan gw merasakan hal yang serupa dengan yang ditulis oleh Alma. Tak terasa gw udah menyetir kira-kira dua tahun (link) dan gw masih se-nervous itu buat nyetir. Yang pernah disetirin sama gw pasti pernah mendengar gw menggumam sendiri tentang kondisi jalan raya. Sering merutuki jika ada yang seenaknya menyerobot, tidak taat peraturan, atau tidak memberi giliran, dan sering berterima kasih plus mendoakan yang mau bersabar menunggu memberi giliran. Sampai saat ini gw juga masih nervous untuk menjalankan mobil yang habis berhenti di tanjakan. Pasti mobilnya mundur dan gw panik huhu.

Gw mau berjaga-jaga ah jangan sampai gw telat memperpanjang ktp, sim, dan paspor. Males banget ngurus dari awal lagi ribet banget. Kalau perpanjang kan ga akan seribet itu :D

= to be continued =

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