(do you know I use that name for you ? :p)

Several times have past on since the last time we communicated each other.
You cut it. I try to go back, but I cant.
Then I try to burried my curiosity about you.
It's hard, but life never stop at one moment,
keep people to always moving forward.
My life change, new experiences teach me how to deal with my past.
You also know, when we lose something,
God will replace it with something better.
I lose you, it's the fact, and I'm sure God will replace you,
with someone I deserve more.
Sometimes, I fell like a silly-naive-stupid girl still writing something like this.
Although I know you wont read this.
Or I still writing cause I know you wont read ??
So safely I can write aaaaanything I really want about you !
Ahahahahah, soo pity -_________-
Well, as usual as a birthday greetings
I wish you all the best for your life, your family, your study, your future.. :)
Let’s take a birthday photo! Smile while you’ve still got the teeth!

oookay !
enough for today
sorry I dont have any prize for you
a simply message, I think, is enough for someone who has dumped me, ahahahaha
Past is a good place to visit, but not a good place to stay.
cheers !
= to be continued =
* the pictures is from www.coolpartyshop.co.uk/acatalog and http://minnesota.publicradio.org/collections
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