Saturday, December 31, 2016

End of 2016

I have posted this photo and caption in my instagram. But I think it's okay to share it here too. Because I realize that instagram doesn't have good archieve, so it will be easier if I want to read it again if I posting it here.


Looking back to the moments in 2016 is like opening a menu in a restaurant. You start with the appetizer, hoping to fully your tummy with the main course, and ending it with sweet dessert.

The menu can be looked so nyummy and beautifly photographed, but after the waiter giving you the real food, you've got to admit sometimes you have higher expectation than the reality. And it starting to make you feel disappointed in life.

I have some new resolutions to achieve in 2017, which I will post tomorrow here. But mainly, I want to grow up to be a more matured person. To have no expectation, so I will be grateful for everything happened in my life. To feel I am a complete person, with or without anyone else in my life. To focus in my own life, not worrying so much about anyone else who has no intention with me. To let people come and go in my life with a smile. Because I know God knows the best for me :)

Thank you for all the people who gives my 2016 a lot of colourful memory. From the pinkish cheks, to the darker eye bags. Hope we can maintain it better in 2017.

Happy new year, guys :)


Location: Beatrice Quarters, Mall Kelapa Gading 5.
You should check it out, guys! The interior design is so sweet and the food is delicious :9

Photo by: Liza Farihah

Review Penjualan Agenda UI 2016 dan 2017

Di penghujung tahun 2016 ini, saya ingin membuat review satu barang yang selalu mengiringi hari-hari saya di tahun 2016, yaitu adalah: agenda!

Sumber gambar: (link)

Friday, December 30, 2016


Terima kasih


suara tawamu yang renyah
bercandamu yang tak pernah menggunakan kata kasar
kesukaanmu terhadap lagu westlife, terutama lagu Soledad
kecerdasanmu yang membuatku terpesona
celetukanmu yang kadang bikin aku berpikir, ini harus kutanggapi atau tidak ya? ^^;

dirimu yang tak pernah segan menjadi imam shalat
rasa sayangmu pada keluarga dan sahabat (yang salah satunya jadi paparazzi memotret kita diam-diam dari belakang)
ringan tanganmu untuk membantu orang-orang
cita-cita tinggimu untuk bermanfaat bagi masyarakat

kamu yang tidak ingin aku tidur larut malam
kamu yang tidak ingin aku berjalan-jalan tidak jelas sendirian
kamu yang suka makanan terutama dengan rasa pedas (tapi sekarang tidak bisa banyak-banyak karena perutmu sudah jadi sensitif karena kamu pernah berlebihan memakannya, ckck)

suara tenor kamu ketika bernyanyi
kereligiusanmu yang kamu jaga
warna hijau yang jadi warna favoritmu
nervousnya kamu ketika aku tatap dan aku telpon
khawatirnya kamu ketika aku menangis

kamu yang suka pantai ataupun gunung
kamu yang tahu aku phobia ketinggian dan menawarkan tangan kamu untuk aku pegang erat ketika aku takut turun di jalanan curam
pundak yang kamu pinjamkan agar aku bisa tertidur
kamu yang sabar dengan pms aku
kamu yang ekstrovert dan pelan-pelan membuka keintrovertan aku


Aku tak tahu berapa lama kamu akan ada
Toh pertemuan dan kehadiran kamu sudah jadi sesuatu yang aku syukuri
Karena satu jawaban doaku pada Allah sudah dikabulkan
Untuk bisa menutup tahun 2016 ini dengan perasaan yang lebih baik

Aku tahu cita-cita kamu
Aku berharap aku tidak akan pernah menjadi distraksi ketika kamu sedang berjuang mencapainya
Aku berharap kita bisa bersama menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik
Hingga mungkin jika nanti datang saatnya, jika Allah memang menakdirkan kita untuk bersama
Takdir tersebut dapat dipermudah jalannya


Aku punya satu kode nama untukmu: suneo :D

Aku tahu kamu tidak terlalu menyukainya, haha
Aku hanya melihat persamaannya pada rambutmu yang suka mencuat (tapi sekarang sudah kamu potong pendek dan tidak mirip suneo lagi katanya, haha)
Dan senyum yang bikin mulutmu terlihat bersudut
Dan tinggi kita yang hanya terpaut 17 cm
Dan cara bicaramu yang kadang terdengar sedikit arogan, tapi toh aku menikmati segala ceritamu
Karena aku tahu bukan maksudmu untuk bicara seperti itu
Hanya nada bicara lucumu yang bikin aku ingat dengan nada bicaraku yang juga tidak biasa


Entah bagaimana cerita kita akan berjalan
Aku akan menjalaninya dengan segenap perasaan
Jika pun nanti harus berpisah jalan
Aku tetap bersyukur atas semua yang ada

Terima kasih :)

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Ketika kamu sudah pernah menikmati suatu keindahan dan tahu sakitnya ketika keindahan itu dicabut darimu, kamu kira kamu akan menjadi lebih kuat karena kamu tahu bagaimana rasanya kehilangan.

Ternyata, tidak.

Ternyata bahkan sebelum kehilangan itu terjadi, kamu sudah ketakutan. Kamu sudah membayangkan kepedihan. Yang harusnya belum tiba, jadi muncul lebih awal. Ketika bahagia masih terlihat titiknya, kamu sudah merinding pada selimut kelam yang akan menutup semua cahaya yang ada.

Kamu. Trauma.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

2016 Best Nine from My Instagram

One of my favourite social media, instagram!

I start using it from August 2015. I am focusing on food and flower post. I use camera from handphone Samsung S3, then Samsung S6. I hope I can buy a "real" camera to make more proper photograph. I think I will try to save up some money to but a mirrorless camera. It's gonna be one of my 2017 resolution :)

And these are my 2015 and 2016 best nine photos in instagram. I am making it from website and (link). The web picks photos with the most likes as the best. Eventhough it's not always showing the best in our heart :)

2016 will be over soon. Do you feel 2016 is going too fast?

Friday, December 16, 2016

Paruh Kedua 2016 bersama Bestari

Salah satu teman baik yang saya kenal dari SMA 8 angkatan 2008. Kuliah di jurusan dan fakultas yang sama yaitu Manajemen FEUI. Tinggal di satu kosan yang sama kira-kira 4 tahunan (cmiiw) Pondok Kartini, Kutek.

Setelah lulus kuliah, masing-masing menjalani hari dengan karier yang dipilih. Saya menetap di satu perusahaan. Bestari lebih petualang, mencoba peruntungan hingga ke negeri di seberang lautan. Beruntung teknologi komunikasi yang canggih masih dapat menyatukan. Hingga paruh kedua 2016 yang saya rasa cukup menyakitkan di awal, tetap bisa menyenangkan karena bisa meluangkan waktu bersama Bestari :)

Saya sempat menggabungkan beberapa foto kegiatan bersama Bestari di instagram. Bersama penjelasan foto yang saya coba uraikan layaknya puisi ala-ala :P

Terbiasa melakukan perjalanan sendiri, jadi bersyukur ketika ada yang bersedia menemani.

Dari baju dan muke rapi, hingga berantakan lepek sana-sini.

Menyusuri jalanan Jakarta pun jadi petualangan berarti. Ancol, monas, TIM, taman menteng, dan taman suropati. Kfc, McD, dan kafe tempat ngopi. Jalan kaki, menonton film, dan membicarakan permasalahan hidup juga ekonomi. Selfie pun jadi seru karena muka sumringah tak lelah untuk berekspresi.

Terima kasih atas kebersamaannya. Semoga semesta bisa mempertemukan kita lagi dalam simfoni kehidupan suatu hari nanti :)

Alia dan Bestari, Juli - Okt 2016.

Terakhir bertemu Bestari adalah ketika menonton stand up comedy Juru Bicara Jakarta oleh Pandji Pragiwaksono di Kota Kasablanka. Saat itu bersama Dadi juga. Malam yang super menyenangkan. Sayang harus berjalan begitu cepat.

 Alia, Bestari, dan Dadi menonton Juru Bicara Jakarta 101216

Seperti akhir dari puisi ala-ala di caption instagram, semoga semesta mempertemukan kita lagi ya Best! Tetap sehat dan semangat di Bali. Semoga selalu berbahagia dan bisa mensyukuri hidup apa adanya :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Way Back Into Love

Way Back Into Love
Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore
From Music and Lyrics The Movie
Lyrics from (link)

[Verse 1]
[Drew Barrymore:]
I've been living with a shadow overhead,
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!

[Hugh Grant:]
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need 'em again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!

All I wanna do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
Ooo hooow

[Verse 2]
[Drew Barrymore:]
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs,
I know that it's out there,
There's gotta be something for my soul somewhere!

[Hugh Grant:]
I've been looking for someone to shed some light,
Not somebody just to get me through the night,
I could use some direction,
And I'm open to your suggestions.

All I wanna do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!

[Drew Barrymore:]
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation

All I wanna do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Another One Third Has Passed (2)

So if you knew, with indisputable certainty, that love was never going to be yours, how would you live your life differently? What about your daily routine would you alter? What about your long-term plans?

Your first inclination may be to say "Nothing." After all, you’re a smart person. You have plans that don’t involve someone else’s influence.

The idea that someday somebody will love all our flaws is a subtle excuse not to work on them. The principle of two halves making a whole restrains us from becoming our own better half. We want someone to swoop in during our darkest hour and save us, but what if we knew they never would? We’d have to start doing everything differently.

If you knew that love would never be an option for you, what would be? How would you structure the rest of your life? Would it have a heavier focus on career, a stronger inclination toward success? Or would you use the time to invest in yourself — go on a few more vacations, travel further outside your comfort zone? If you knew that you would never again feel the rush of budding romance, where would you turn to for your thrills? How would you get your blood pumping?

And what about your other relationships — would they suddenly take on more weight? Would you spend more time appreciating your family, if you knew that they are the people who will have loved you the most strongly at the end of your life? What about your friendships? Would you nurture and care more for the people who love you platonically if you knew that nobody would ever love you romantically? Would you show up a little more often, share a little more of your life?

Without the fear of ending up alone, the opportunities open to you would become endless. You could live on every continent. You could scale the corporate ladder. You could go back to school and get that degree you’ve always felt interested in, without worrying about the financial burden your debt may place on somebody else. Love holds us back in an infinite amount of subtle ways that perhaps we do not even realize. And the guarantee of its absence may just be the ultimate sense of liberation.

Because if we didn’t have to search for the love of our lives, we would finally be free to realize that we are allowed to be the loves of our own. That we can spend our lives developing ourselves, challenging ourselves, pampering ourselves and building ourselves up to be bigger, more capable people than we ever once hoped to become. We could become everything we’ve been searching for. We could construct our soul mates in ourselves.

If there’s one thing we all need to stop doing, it’s waiting around for someone else to show up and change our lives. Just be the person you’ve been waiting for. Live your life as if you are the love of it. Because that’s the only thing you know for sure — that through every triumph, every failure, every fear and every gain that you will ever experience until the day you die, you are going to be present.

You are going to be the person who shows up to accept your rewards. You are going to be the person who holds your own hand when you’re broken. You are going to be the person who gets yourself up off the floor every time you get knocked down and if those things are not love-of-your-life qualities, I don’t know what are.

We have to start appreciating all that we bring to our own lives. Because the ironic truth is, you are most attractive when you’re not worried about who you’re attracting.

So stop looking for The One to spend the rest of your life with. Be The One.

From "Think About This if You're Worried That You Might Never Find 'The One'" (link)