Monday, September 26, 2016

Finally 0

It takes 5 months, losing 13 kgs, some good friends, some loner trips in the town, some sleepless nights, a lot of crying moments, to finally reach this 0 counter.

I think I have written a post with 0 as the title earlier. But it turns out so cheesy I revert it to draft again, haha. And I know at that time, I still in my mourning period, so this post deserve the 0 title more :)

I realize I have found peace again in my heart when I know that I am no longer being an important person in his life. The no-communication-at-all-to-forget is real. At first I believe when he said he still wants to be friend with me. But of course it is so different communicate with person you love and now just being a friend, right?

Now I am at the stage to searching again the purpose in my life. I believe happiness is start within my ownself. Not from my relationship, my job, or my money. It's a state of mind.

Let's be happy :)

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