Monday, October 12, 2015

Whimsy Need Change


I think this is the time I am gonna change my blog template. So pardon my blog messiness in the future in order to find the right way to set this blog. If I think the new template doesn't work, I will go back with the Whimsy template.

Screen shot for Whimsy

I use new template from (link). I want a clean and simple template, just like Whimsy. Whimsy is great, but for me, the font is too small. I know I just have to change the font size, but I think I have to change the width also. And I don't know how to change the CSS code. I have tried and failed haha. So I decide I need a new one. 

Now I will try the Mad template (link). Not because I mad of course, but it has the quality I want. Well, it contains only black and white colour. Different with Whimsy who has a pink and sweet little pictures in header and sidebar. I hope I can colour the new Mad template as good as the Whimsy :)

Wish me luck!

= to be continued =

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