spend a whole day with him but still, i can't get enough of him..
i still want it more more and mooooore !
but it seems he doesn't feel the same way with me
ah, you are so pathetic alia ! :'(

whatever it is, i'm glad to watch harry potter's movie !
and i can't wait to see the sequel ! :D
unfortunately i must wait 8 months more to watch it :(
but it's okay, as long the movie as good as the novel, i would be happy to wait ;)
= to be continued =
eh bagus y al filmnya?
Alia, ak lupa bilang makasih buat tiketnya ^_^ Makasih y Al ;)
Ak blm nonton c harry niiii? Same question with Achie, bagus ga filmnya?
aih aih kakak beradik yang kompak sekali kalian ini hihi
iyaa, gmn jegetnya ?
aku malah ga dateng pdhl anak fe :p
komen filmnya ? baguuuus
tapi banyak org yg bilang jelek gr2 alurnya lambat
tapi kan emg di bukunya kek bgitu ^^
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