each time has a lot of memories
but dont spend all of your time just to look back and regret it
we still have a long way to go
then, let's face another year with another spirit
hope we can make this new year better than the past

= to be continued =
Heppi nu year al..
Semoga selamat sampai tujuan :p
@ achie : thx chie ! :D
Yesterday is history... today is gift... tomorrow is mistery... let's start 1430 H/2009 H with faith, hope, love in prayer & praise...
met tahun baru juga..
salam kenal dari gw !
hepi nu yer jugaaa
@ fina, beyit poenya, rezki: happy new year semuanyaaa :D
sugeng taun anyar nggih
al, gw suka deh itu kalimat2 lo. heheheh
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