geng pink berfoto setelah selesai presentasi mejik tentang Ford
harusnya sih kalo mau sesuai sama perusahaannya dresscode kita mestinya biru ya :p
alhamdulillah presentasinya udah beres, jangan lupa masih ada makalah lho ya temaan ahay !
and meet my new love :3
let's call him C3 (ceritanya saingan sama C2 yang minuman ituh :p)
walaupun sekarang masih belum bisa main, tapi udah belajar dikit-dikit kok
siap-siap tangan kapalan nih
semoga saya ga cepet bosen yaa buat mempelajarinya huwahuwahuwa
and do you want a romantic night ?

Romantic Concert
Romantic Night with Mahawaditra
Jumat, 29 Juli 2011
Auditorium Bank Indonesia
Jalan MH Thamrin, 19.30 - selesaiHarga Undangan:Gold: IDR 200.000
Platinum: IDR 300.000*Student: IDR 50.000
Silver: IDR 100.000Untuk memesan, hubungi:Alvina – 0899 837 3116.Contact Person:Anda – 0852 1585 1501Martin - 0857 8273 8922
pengeeen banget :(((
tapi bingung mau pergi sama siapa uhuhu *kasian*
tiket harga student price tinggal sisa 3 doang nih menurut keterangan webnya :( tapi kayaknya belum rejeki gw deh untuk nonton. yasudlah huks, goodbye konser mahawaditraa.. T^T
aaaand, the last but not least, i found this information :

Westlife "Gravity" World Tour 2011 !
The Gravity Tour is the eleventh concert from Westlife, supporting their eleventh studio album Gravity. The tour was announced two weeks immediately after their Where we are tour. This tour will be bigger and better than any previous tours as they announced to have a new touring band, musical directors and possibly feature hits by many successful recording artists, such as Rihana. The group also veiled the tour to have a space theme to tie in with the title.
Date 5 Oct 2011 Time 19:00 Venue Tennis Indoor Senayan City Jakarta Price Festival Rp 750.000
Tribune 1: Rp 675.000
Tribune 2: Rp 600.000
10% tax will be appliedPromoter Marygops Studios
more information :
PT Mary Groups Studios
Unit 1 30th floor UOB Plaza Thamrin Nine
Jl. MH Thamrin Kav 8-9 Jakarta 10310 Indonesia
Phone : +6221 2926 1877/88
Raja Karcis
Jl. Dr Saharjo No.2 Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : 021 8282 137
gw kembali mupeng seperti konser mahawaditra yang di atas tadi :'(
mau banget dateng tapi duit buat tiketnya ga ada -__-"
seandainya bisa nunggu nabung dulu uhuhuhuhu *kasian*
ahh udahan deh nulis blognya cuma bikin mupeng aja :'((
= to be continued =